Let the Games Begin!

Jenny Blow
This is a very strange time for me! I am a six time Paralympion and I am sitting at home watching the Paralympics for the first time in 24 years.
But more about that in a later post.
Right now the athleates are excited as the operning is very close or just over depending on when you are reading this.
As some people are competeing earlier than others it will be different for every one, but the nerves may be starting as well. If some one tells you that they are not nervous they are kidding themselves.
The Aussie Belles, our womans Goalball team are a good example. Now they have done all they can, they are at the games, experienced the village for the first time, the dinning hall, the transport system and laundry.
But on Friday night our time they will be on the biggest stage of there short carees. Some of the team have been away to major comps before, but nothing will be like the Paralympics. They will know some of the teams and have played and made friends with other players and even the referrees.
When they walk into the hall for the first game they will be nervous but ready to go!
Please watch and follow there journey if you can it will be a ripper. They were targeted for Rio but have come on a bit quicker than planned.
Stay tuned for some more Paralympic stuff as the next couple of weeks unfold.