Sport for Women

Jessica Bibby

Type: Player/Athlete
Sports: Basketball
Location: Australia

Jess Bibby in the News

Q & A

Greatest Sporting Achievement: Representing this great country

Who is your sporting Heroine: Steffi Graf (amazing athlete, amazing person)

How many hours of training/exercise per week: Around 15hrs

What kind of diet/nutrition plan are you on: A total balanced diet but a total healthy freak

What do you love about your sport: Competitive, aggressive, fast, team orientated, ridiculously fun

If you could change something about your sport what would it be: I would love it to be fully professional in Australia

What motivate you: Life motivates me...I take nothing for granted and live every day on its merits

Do you have a profession outside of your sport: Luckily no!

Three words that describe you: Energetic, Positive, Hyperactive (haha)

If I wanted to play your sport, what advice would you give me: Never let anyone tell you your not big enough

Jess Bibby Supports Sport for Woman Day

"Participating in any sport at any level is something every women should get a chance to experience, it’s such a great way to not only maintain your health and fitness but to develop confidence and establish lifelong friendships along the way."