Sport for Women

Carlee Beattie

Type: Player/Athlete
Sports: Athletics
Location: Australia

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Q & A

Greatest sporting achievement: Achieving a world record for the F46 class in the long jump at the Australian national championships in 2011.

Greatest achievement off the field: To finish my Nutrition degree! (hopefully at the end of 2013)

Who is your sporting heroine? I’d have to say Sally Pearson. Her focus and determination to be the best is inspirational.

How many hours per week to you train/exercise? It varies on where I am at in the season. I train 6-9 sessions/week which is between 15-25 hours/week.

What do you love about your sport? The discipline required to train and compete in athletics has helped to motivate me in different areas of my life. Having some success in the past couple of years has definitely given me confidence and determination. I also love that I get to be outside most days and that exercising and being fit and healthy is part of my ‘job’.

If you could change something about your sport, what would it be? It can get rather bothersome landing in sand. I wish there was some way I could prevent sand getting in my shoes and up my pants when I land!

What motivates you? Making the slightest improvement in training can be a huge boost, for example lifting a PB in weights or getting that little adjustment in technique right. The thought of winning a gold medal for Australia is the biggest motivation of them all!

Do you have a profession outside of your sport? I am currently studying to be a Nutritionist.

Three words that describe you: Determined, considerate, passionate.

If I wanted to play your sport, what advice would you give me? As with a lot of sports it can take time to get everything right. Speed, strength and rhythm are important in long jump.

Carlee Beattie Supports Sport for Women Day

I support Sport for Women Day because I want women everywhere to know you set your own limitations. There is always a way. Persevere because it will be worth it in the end.