Sport for Women

Lauren Reynolds

Type: Player/Athlete
Sports: BMX
Location: Australia

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Lauren Reynolds in the News

Q & A

Greatest sporting achievement: Making the 2012 Olympic BMX team

Greatest achievement off the field: Being the best person on and off the field I can be. Being a role model for the youth

Who is your sporting heroine? I don’t really have 1 set person, I take bits and pieces from all elite athletes. I hope to one day to be my own, learn from my experiences and become an inspiration to others.

How many hours per week to you train/exercise? 20 hours

What kind of diet or nutrition plan are you on? High protein- Just clean healthy eating and living

What do you love about your sport? Its individual aspect, the extreme side of things, the adrenaline it gives me and the rewards are all yours.

If you could change something about your sport, what would it be? More support for girls in the sports, and greater prize money to balance the risk factor we go through.

What motivates you? Being the best athlete I can be and one day become the best in the world

Do you have a profession outside of your sport? No, BMX is my professional, full time Racer and love it!

Three words that describe you: Blonde, determined, edgy

If I wanted to play your sport, what advice would you give me? Have fun and go ride your bike. You’d be surprised the thrill you will get from it!

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