Sport for Women

Louise Winchester

Type: Player/Athlete
Sports: Touch Football
Location: Australia

Q & A

Greatest sporting achievement: Playing for and captaining the Australian Women’s Open team.

Greatest achievement off the field: My family

How many hours per week to you train/exercise? I like to train at least 5 days of the week, about an hour each session.

What kind of diet or nutrition plan are you on? No diet or plan. I eat what I want but I like to eat healthy and well, but I am a sweet tooth!

What do you love about your sport? How fast it is. I also love the friends and people you get to meet.

If you could change something about your sport, what would it be? Nothing, I love it!

What motivates you? My mates and not letting them down.

Do you have a profession outside of your sport? Yes, I am a PDHPE Teacher.

Three words that describe you: Passionate, Focused, Indecisive


Louise Winchester Supports Sport for Women Day

I support Sport for Women Day because I love to support and see women succeed in all kinds of sports. I love to see all women challenge themselves both in body and mind in what is still seen sadly in our society as a male dominated area. When I see this challenge I am even prouder to be a woman.

Top 100 Sportswomen Nominations

Louise is the current Australian captain who has just returned from another Trans-Tasman win. She has played for Australia for over 6 years, as well as captain of the NSW origin touch team and the canterbury bulldogs womens reps for over ten years. She is

- Kate Fitzsimmons

I have personally seen her on the field. She has redefined the meaning of serving her team - mates through passion, loyalty, heart and dedication of her sport. She has a great knowledge of her sport and is not afraid to teach anyone - she has taught me ma

- Maddie Forrester